01 October 2014

The 4th Quarter Begins

Well today is the start of the 4th and last quarter of 2014. I cannot believe how fast this year as gone by. I had so many plans for this year. Most are still waiting to either get started or finished. So far I have taken 3 trips home to Charleston to see my sister, nephew and niece (and brother-n-law). Normally I get down 1-2 times a year but when the airlines have sales I can’t pass up then I HAVE to go right? J I also got to see my godson get married. Talk about time flying! But I was so glad I was able to share the joy of his special day with my best friends and friends I had not seen in years.

So what are my goals for the last quarter of 2014? I have one more trip to see my sister and her family. This time we meet up in my brother-in-law’s hometown in southwest Virginia for a quick visit. Still any visit is a good visit when you can’t get home as often as you want!

I also have to finish a project I started LAST year for my local genealogical society. Our membership roster and surname list have not been updated in years. I ran into more problems than I anticipated so I am basically starting over. Going to use Access to reenter all that information. Had hoped to this project finished by now but life happens.....

One of the things that has delayed this project is my moving of apartments. Had been thinking about moving but nothing serious until a conversation with the old apartment manager. My father always liked to say “What are you willing to put up with?” Well after a conversation I had with the old manager….not much. So I moved. I have always wanted to move to the Frederick Maryland area but didn’t want to do the commute. But I decided why not, you only live once and if it becomes too much I can always move again J

I can’t believe how much STUFF I have! I had it hidden well in my old smaller apartment. But this move is forcing me to go thru things I should have done years ago. I have found some things that I knew I had seen but was beginning to think I dreamed them! Like a picture of my one of my elementary group pictures. I found another box of photos too. Once my computer/office area is set up I have lots of scanning to do!

The theme of this quarter will be fall clean up. I broke down and got a laptop computer for my longer commute. My reasoning is that with the extra time I can work on my blog and my genealogy. I am writing this blog post from the commuter bus. I have to figure out which are the better seats so I can see the computer more clearly. But live and learn….bets the alternative!

So what are your goals for the final quarter of 2014? Here’s hoping we ALL make our goals!


  1. I've always hated moving. Next time I decide to move, I'm just going to light a match and walk away (after all my genealogy stuff is safely packed in my car, of course). Good luck with all the scanning ... looking forward to MANY more blog posts now :)

    1. LOL...I was thinking the same thing! First movers cancelled 2nd movers didn't bring big enough truck. FOURTH FLOOR walk up!! I may not know where my fall shoes are BUT I do know where my genealogy stuff is!!
